Sunday, August 17, 2008


Dans son édito Malcontents Need Not Apply, Nicholas D. Kristof relate comment il a testé la nouvelle "fonctionalité" offerte par le gouvernement chinois, la demande d'autorisation de manifester. Quotes:
- ""
- "In the old days it had to go out and catch protesters in the act. Now it saves itself the bother: would-be protesters show up at Public Security offices to apply for permits and are promptly detained. That’s cost-effective law enforcement for you."
- "I was accompanied by a Times videographer, and he and a police videographer busily videoed each other. Then the police explained that under the rules they could video us but we couldn’t video them."
- "Three police officers sat across from me, and the police videographer continued to film us from every angle. The officers were all cordial and professional, although one seemed to be daydreaming about pulling out my fingernails."
- "I surrendered. The rules were so monstrously bureaucratic that I couldn’t even apply for a demonstration. My Olympic dreams were dashed."

Nicholas D. Kristof maintient un blog.